Products: Mass Transportation

Subway Lighting

Mass Transportation


For transit, harsh environment, and other demanding tunnel lighting applications

The MTLx is the first light fixture designed to specifically address all modes of required tunnel illumination in a single form factor. Individual light level modes are controlled through the clearNET™ wireless mesh network, which also performs health/diagnostic monitoring on the electronic sub-components including light engine, driver, and optional battery.


A communication channel to monitor and control transit system assets and environments

  • Monitor health of lighting systems for effective and efficient maintenance and asset management.
  • Control the level of illumination specific to each activity within the subway station – passenger safety and energy efficiency.
  • Provide a modular and expandable power and data communication infrastructure for non-lighting mechatronic system sensors and actuators – temperature, smoke, hazardous materials.

Call 516.941.3737 or email for a Lunch & Learn presentation about the most advanced lighting system in the world.